Choose the Best Law Firm in Loganville GA

Law Offices of Sara E. Adams
Law Offices of Sara E. Adams Reviews

Review: I hired Sara Adams to help me get my kid's home. I'm an innocent father I have no criminal history. I paid her $3000 for representation.
She never made time to discuss her plans for the case before court. In court I had to speak for myself and work a deal with the judge so my kids could come home.
She doesn't return phone calls or emails.
I completed my case plan and she won't write up the motion to close the case. She help to get me out if FVIP.. I feel like she's only worth half of wh... Read More

Lueder, Larkin & Hunter
Lueder, Larkin & Hunter Reviews


As one of Atlanta's Top Producing Realtors, the level of service affiliate partners provide during a one of my client's is critical and I set expectations VERY HIGH - it must mirror what I'm providing.

This was my first and last experience with this firm. Period.

The buyer's agent negotiated we use them on the purchase contract presented to my seller, so when my seller went under contract on her new home it made sense to also name them on her purchase con... Read More

Van Hall Attorney at Law, P.C
Van Hall Attorney at Law, P.C Reviews

Review: She was placed by the courts as my girls Guardian at Liam (GAL) But due to her ignorance in alot of aspects on the case I wouldn't reccomend her as an attorney or GAL. Especially is a interracial or blended family. Alot was taken out of context and she not once tried to communicate with me when a situation arised. Read More

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