BE GLAD YOU LOOKED AT THESE REVIEWS! DANGER, FRAUD, MALPRACTICE! If you find yourself getting a free consultation with this guy ask yourself: where are his credentials? Because if you're like us we had no idea that a lawyer should have an actual office with diplomas and items of merit until we had to fire George Tillman and get a real lawyer. From the word go they tried to steal our retainer by saying that they never received it not once but twice. Luckily we had paid by credit card and were able to dispute the charge for services not being rendered after 5 weeks of no action. Foolishly we believed them when they said they would follow through and we released the funds, only for them to once again claim that they had never gotten it back and through complete inaction allowed a completely ridiculous lawsuit to be filed against us with no contest! We ended up being over 30 days late with an answer and only even knew about it when our new attorney pointed it out! So once about 5 months went by they started sending invoices trying once again to steal the retainer by overcharging for phonecalls and emails, charging a higher rate than agreed, charging for service that was never rendered and even claiming that the retainer was HALF what we paid. The only thing that they actually did was to file our papers after we took back our retainer. Every time we tried to follow up we were basically told that the adults would handle it... To date they are still sending invoices that are absurd. When we pointed out that our retainer was nowhere near depleted they started adding charges and literally charging DOUBLE FOR SERVICES NEVER RENDERED! Run screaming from this "law firm" They say that you get what you pay for, but in this instance you will not get anything for your money. You would be better off representing yourself. You'll lose, but you will be better off than if you hire these crooks. If you HAVE been unlucky enough to have hired them and have incurred damages, sue them now because they've already lost their office and I can't imagine they will be in business much longer SINCE EVEN YELLOW PAGES ARE SUING THEM FOR NON-PAYMENT. BEYOND TERRIBLE
Review Left On 02/14/2020
Shauna Andrews
The Tillman Law Firm is anything but professional. Mr. Tillman said what he needed to say to get my money & then did not follow through with anything that we agreed upon. After meeting with him and paying him $1000.00 he went MIA and was unable to be reached for 6 weeks. His assistant Lynn is completely useless and unknowledgeable. Amanda is no better and has a very fowl attitude. It seems she is more of a cover story/damage control personal with many of excuses and reasons for why Mr. Tillman hasn't done squat. Mr. Tillman was late for a hearing and didn't show up until it was over. He was sweating and shaking nervously. Their invoices are a complete joke with misinformation, incorrect figures, items listed twice. The Tillman Law firm is more than willing to take your money but don't count on them to do anything for it. The Tillman Law firm is a total rip off. My case was handled improperly from the beginning and I have suffered damages as a result. Please BEWARE OF THE TILLMAN LAWFIRM.
Review Left On 09/28/2019
Nobody Nobody
Horrible. He had no idea what he was doing and it showed. Overcharged me (different rate than agreed from our contract). Did zero. Nothing.... Nada. Zip. He didn't even speak up in court when spoken to by the judge. He looked frazzled and like he didn't know what to say when she asked him questions. It was embarrassing. His assistant Amanda is awful as well. Two years almost after he was on my case, I ran into her in public and she caused a scene in front of my children. She was calling me names in front of them etc. All I said to her was she looked familiar and she started syaing how she was his assistant and how great he is and I said he was definitely not good with my case and she kept rambling on literally making sure my kids could hear her to the point that I had to tell my kids to keep walking and not stop bc the lady clearly had as issue.
If you find yourself getting a free consultation with this guy ask yourself: where are his credentials? Because if you're like us we had no idea that a lawyer should have an actual office with diplomas and items of merit until we had to fire George Tillman and get a real lawyer.
From the word go they tried to steal our retainer by saying that they never received it not once but twice. Luckily we had paid by credit card and were able to dispute the charge for services not being rendered after 5 weeks of no action. Foolishly we believed them when they said they would follow through and we released the funds, only for them to once again claim that they had never gotten it back and through complete inaction allowed a completely ridiculous lawsuit to be filed against us with no contest! We ended up being over 30 days late with an answer and only even knew about it when our new attorney pointed it out!
So once about 5 months went by they started sending invoices trying once again to steal the retainer by overcharging for phonecalls and emails, charging a higher rate than agreed, charging for service that was never rendered and even claiming that the retainer was HALF what we paid.
The only thing that they actually did was to file our papers after we took back our retainer. Every time we tried to follow up we were basically told that the adults would handle it...
To date they are still sending invoices that are absurd. When we pointed out that our retainer was nowhere near depleted they started adding charges and literally charging DOUBLE FOR SERVICES NEVER RENDERED!
Run screaming from this "law firm"
They say that you get what you pay for, but in this instance you will not get anything for your money. You would be better off representing yourself. You'll lose, but you will be better off than if you hire these crooks.
If you HAVE been unlucky enough to have hired them and have incurred damages, sue them now because they've already lost their office and I can't imagine they will be in business much longer SINCE EVEN YELLOW PAGES ARE SUING THEM FOR NON-PAYMENT.