> Family law attorney in Chatsworth, CA
> Law Office of Mark L. Tseselsky, APC Review
Law Office of Mark L. Tseselsky, APC
Family law attorney in Chatsworth, CAReviews: 7 | Overal Rating: Excellect
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After switching attorneys and doing mountains of research I could not have been better rewarded then finding Mark Tseselsky.
Child Protective Services is a niche system, not governed by familiar concepts such as "burden of proof" or "innocent until proven guilty". A mere anonymous allegation, misunderstanding or a possibility of risk is enough to forcibly remove a child from family. Time frame of reunification is between nine months to a year and a half. Mark Tseselsky has years of experience masterfully navigating children's court. Knowledge of psychology, deep understanding of how DCFS (Department of Children and Family Services) functions, comprehension of cultural differences combined with years of experience is what sets mr. Tseselsky apart and creates a unique ally. Mark compassionately, free of judgement explains to the panicked family how the situation occurred and what steps are necessary to resolve it. CPS workers have their own "language". Mark Tseselsky patiently unveils hidden meaning's of seemingly innocent questions, repercussions of declining services that are presented as "volunteer" or "helpful", importance of testing, counseling, etc. Mark Tseselsky meticulously cipher's through family history, interviews, facts and accounts of what happened. Prepares the whole family. Guides each member on how to "speak" CPS. Foresees all detail's that are potentially harmful. Correcting overall demeanor including physical appearance, tone of voice, body language during interviews and court hearings. Moving on to caution against certain words and phrasing that may be twisted. Highlighting how to fine tune your home to very specific CPS expectations. What social worker looks for in a stocked refrigerator/kitchen cabinets, child's room, bed, bathroom, etc. My situation was particularly difficult, estranged from before birth biological father got involved and saw the child as an opportunity for a "meal ticket". Multiple high priced attorneys double and triple Marks retainer advised me to prepare for 3-5 years of legal battle. Predicting my case will be spread over multiple US states and both CPS and Family courts, not to mention a bill to fit that battle. Even though my son was sent out of state, Mark Tseselsky was able to keep the case in CA jurisdiction, prevent it from going to family court, keep the bill a fraction of what I was quoted by others and reunite me with my son in 5 months.
Thank you Mark for all your amazing work and being an integral part of keeping our family together!
Joey S
Thank you Mark for all your help.
My only experience with lawyers has been dealing with a bitter custody battle over my son,
So needless to say I hate all lawyers. I still hate all lawyers, but of all the lawyers I have dealt with this matter in multiple post judgement modifications, I hate Mark Tseselsky the least. I hired him to help me with transferring foreign judgment to California and two post-judgment modifications of custody and visitation orders. He is very conservative about his billing and tries very hard to get the best result. ..... So if you have to use a lawyer use Mark. Did I mention I hate lawyers. :-)