Choose the Best Family Law Attorney in Berkeley CA

Camille King, Collaborative Law & Mediation
Camille King, Collaborative Law & Mediation Reviews

Review: Camille is a fantastic family law attorney who played a key role in helping me transition from a complicated postnup to a divorce settlement. In the course of 2 years, Camille provided me thorough guidance and invaluable insights about my legal rights, which restored my confidence and saved me from making bad decisions. Camille was great at listening to my needs and advising me on how to best proceed to meet my goals. Camille also offered me moral support beyond what I could ever expect from an ... Read More

Law Offices of Triano & Byrne
Law Offices of Triano & Byrne Reviews

Review: We are a company based out of Portland Oregon and we hired this firm to help us with a legal matter based out in California. We gave them their 10000 dollar retainer so they would file a complaint on our behalf, but what we ended up getting was hustled for our money! since the first hello Mark was too busy to sit and listen to our case, in fact he had his paralegals try and get all the information he needed which in most cases would be fine but he kept switching the paralegals out 4 different ti... Read More

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