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Thomas Choi Law Firm
Thomas Choi Law Firm Reviews

Review: (Translated by Google) I am in the process of permanent residency with Choi Young-don. I was always kind and experienced and helped me a lot. What's more, whenever you need a consultation, I shared information. Emilion of four people rather than professionals.

최영돈 변호사님과 영주권 과정 진행하고 있습니다. 늘 친절하시고, 경험많으셔서 많은 도움 받았습니다. 무엇보다 필요할때마다 상담 마다하지 않으시고 정보 공유 해주셨습니다. 직업인이라기 보다는 사명인이십니다. Read More

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