Choose the Best Employment Attorney in Arlington VA

The Spiggle Law Firm
The Spiggle Law Firm Reviews

Review: I am currently working with them and have had a great experience working with Olley and Michael . Currently, having some issues but will wait to give my complete review.
Updating my review
Having a lawyer with the experience and knowledge too not sugar coat things, but ability empathize with you is exceptional. I'd like to thank Ms Ramsey for being an exceptional lawyer. You Rock!!!

Follow me on IG at Racism_at_Work Read More

The Erlich Law Office
The Erlich Law Office Reviews

Review: Very, very strange experience that I do NOT recommend to anybody. I have learned to read the will save you the humiliation and time! They took all our information (never returned it) and then never returned calls. After a week or so we thought he may have been tied up or on another case and we showed up just to check in and he went ziggity boom on us? I thought he was going to hit me! Run, don't walk away from this one! UPDATE -> Went somewhere else and won the case! I forgiv... Read More

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