> Attorney in Upper Marlboro, MD
> Harper George Review
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Review Left On 03/01/2020

very rude and arrogant. DO NOT work with this person.

Review Left On 03/01/2018

This attorney is one of them most cutthroat underhanded manipulating attorneys I ever came across . He's very disrespectful and very arrogant. He tried to take advantage of me in the most vulnerable times of my life. In the beginning I believe him to be very decent and straight forward in regards to my case. I retained him in a civil suit that he had sole control of back in 2009 after my home was broken into. I was stabbed in the eye after I just got two corneal transplant and as a result of that incident I lost total use of that eye. That incident was one of the biggest conspiracies since the Watergate scandal. This attorney quickly jumped on the case and started two large civil suits against the apartment complex along with the security company who was contracted to patrol the property. Both suits were for 10 million dollars. So together the cases together were equivalent of a 20 million dollar civil suit. This man was more interested with the property we were sueing and how big it was. He knew the property was due to be shutdown and in the process of being sold for a much larger sum. $100 million to be exact. There were some unanswered questions and concerns I had throughout the whole case. Being as though this was the first problem I had ever faced like this I tried my best to just let the attorney do his job. At times I would get anxious about my case because I was constantly being harassed by the properties management who never did their jobs right. There was always some type of negligence or fraudulent activity being done on their behalf. It was several civil suits filed against them. There was alot of innocent bloodshed there on that property. It was the love of tenants and the strong bonds that were built amongst each other that kept everything together. Aside from that we endured alot, but we made it work. But the back door deals and under the table deals forced alot of families to be without homes. And Justice was never served on any of our behalves. This attorney waited until the very end of my case to back out of my case and for a very unreasonable cause. It made no sense. At times during the case I remember getting bad vibes and just wanting to do away with the whole case because I felt that this was too much to be dealing with. From me having to heal physically and still deal with my everyday responsibilities. From my career to my family and trying to move forward with life itself. I felt it all to be too overwhelming. Running back and forth to Upper Marlboro paying for cabs back and forth to Washington. On top of the fact the rental office kept intercepting my mail. I remember telling him look this is too much. The whole break-in ordeal was so bogus to me and as time went on it just didn't make sense why would anyone one to breaking my apartment? Then in top of that I never wrote any statement's to what actually to me in that apartment. So how did the detectives in the case make up a whole story about the break-in as if they were there and I didn't sign or agree with the statements he wrote. I kept expressing this to Harper but he kept overlooking this. It was All a big fat lie. To me everybody was trying to cover it up. Harper refused to step out of the case or allow me to let it go. I mean who would with 20 million dollars on the line. But at the very end he threw the towel in. Which is very suspicious to me. Because of him I don't even trust dealing with attorneys anymore and I know that all attorneys aren't shady or underhanded but he is. For all I know he settled out of court. And I believe without a reasonable doubt that's exactly what happened.
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