Down to earth and honest. Treated me like a person.
Review Left On 02/29/2020
James Young
Iv'e know Mike for 28 year's, but have never needed help from him due to his line of work. Then I got A Nuisance Letter Due to Medical Emergency calls to 911 for help that threatened to, " Make my young Son and I homeless, and or Demolish our House"???!!!! But I Still didn't call Mike Yet. Then the Same St. John Captain of the Police that wrote that letter, " Lied and said on Digital Recording that he Never Wrote it or Sent it", and was harassing Me. Long Story Short....... Mike Never showed up in Court for me, ( got 2 letters from the courts Threatened Warrant's issued due to not showing up I have the letter's for Proof). Long story short, I get a, ( letter from MIKE Telling me of HIS Great RECOMMENDATION HE GOT ME!!!!) Yeah Mike that Recommendation Was Everything the Opposing Prosecuting Attorney Asked for...... Nothing to Help Me out! Long story Short, ( Mike Quit on me as he put in a letter, my Unwillingness to Resolve the Matter!!!) What that Meant Was is the Prosecuting Attorney in working with the St. John Police Department trying to ( Force me into Getting an Insulin Pump in which that Nuisance Letter did not make me do, so they tried a made up criminal Charge, to Force Me Into Getting an Insulin Pump. I agreed to do it, but found out My Insurance Would Not Cover the Pump or monthly Supplies so I could not buy an insulin pump for 9K plus or pay over 500.00 month for the supplies. So Mike Quit on Me. Didn't fight for me at all, He Rolled over and took it in the back side from the Prosecuting Attorney, But he sure didn't use any Criminal Attorney Skills in Fighting a Made Up charge..... AND Kept My Money EVEN though He said He Would Give Me A Full Refund as he put it, " This Case has gotten Ridiculous"! I asked what Evidence / Eye Witnesses they had? OH man they got alot he told me...... The only Eye Witness was the Captain of the St. John Police Dept. Who I Guess I finally got Fired due to something, " I think all my evidence I sent in to the Mayor of St. John and calls to the Chief of Police finally got someone's attention about this Harassment Iv'e been dealing with. OH, I forgot they whipped my butt in front of my 7 yr old son, called me a prick, tasered me on 2 separate dates, beat the Blank out of me with 8-10 cops my neighbor said on 12/22/2016, (The Last Date I allowed my son to ever call 911 for Low Blood Sugar Medical Emergencies) for fear of being killed due to there escalating VIOLENCE TO ME, OH, THEY BROKE MY RIBS too. All of this Evidence was Prior to me calling My Friend Attorney Mike Kielty. Who didn't show up for Court, tried to get me to have me sign what the prosecuting Attorney wanted ect.... Offered a Full Refund, But Never gave it, ECT..... I wish I could post the Recordings of Attorney Mike Kielty. I did post the ( NOT FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION FOR ME LETTER HE SENT) I Guess the Prosecuting Attorney Had a Bigger Wallet Than I did and Mike got Double paid??? He sure didn't do anything for me. Update on all this. The Prosecuting attorney reduced Charge to Littering ONLY / NO Fine. Nothing. My other attorney working on 2 tickets issued on the 12/22/2016 Butt Beating of me case got the Prosecutor to drop those charges and Reduce the B.S. made up to force me to get an insulin pump trespassing charge to Littering.
Review Left On 02/29/2020
Bryon Potter
Straight forward Fair pricing. And he did what he said he was going to do.
( letter from MIKE Telling me of HIS Great RECOMMENDATION HE GOT ME!!!!) Yeah Mike that Recommendation Was Everything the Opposing Prosecuting Attorney Asked for...... Nothing to Help Me out!
Long story Short, ( Mike Quit on me as he put in a letter, my Unwillingness to Resolve the Matter!!!) What that Meant Was is the Prosecuting Attorney in working with the St. John Police Department trying to ( Force me into Getting an Insulin Pump in which that Nuisance Letter did not make me do, so they tried a made up criminal Charge, to Force Me Into Getting an Insulin Pump. I agreed to do it, but found out My Insurance Would Not Cover the Pump or monthly Supplies so I could not buy an insulin pump for 9K plus or pay over 500.00 month for the supplies. So Mike Quit on Me. Didn't fight for me at all, He Rolled over and took it in the back side from the Prosecuting Attorney, But he sure didn't use any Criminal Attorney Skills in Fighting a Made Up charge..... AND Kept My Money EVEN though He said He Would Give Me A Full Refund as he put it, " This Case has gotten Ridiculous"!
I asked what Evidence / Eye Witnesses they had? OH man they got alot he told me...... The only Eye Witness was the Captain of the St. John Police Dept. Who I Guess I finally got Fired due to something, " I think all my evidence I sent in to the Mayor of St. John and calls to the Chief of Police finally got someone's attention about this Harassment Iv'e been dealing with. OH, I forgot they whipped my butt in front of my 7 yr old son, called me a prick, tasered me on 2 separate dates, beat the Blank out of me with 8-10 cops my neighbor said on 12/22/2016, (The Last Date I allowed my son to ever call 911 for Low Blood Sugar Medical Emergencies) for fear of being killed due to there escalating VIOLENCE TO ME, OH, THEY BROKE MY RIBS too. All of this Evidence was Prior to me calling My Friend Attorney Mike Kielty. Who didn't show up for Court, tried to get me to have me sign what the prosecuting Attorney wanted ect.... Offered a Full Refund, But Never gave it, ECT..... I wish I could post the Recordings of Attorney Mike Kielty. I did post the ( NOT FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION FOR ME LETTER HE SENT) I Guess the Prosecuting Attorney Had a Bigger Wallet Than I did and Mike got Double paid??? He sure didn't do anything for me.
Update on all this. The Prosecuting attorney reduced Charge to Littering ONLY / NO Fine. Nothing. My other attorney working on 2 tickets issued on the 12/22/2016 Butt Beating of me case got the Prosecutor to drop those charges and Reduce the B.S. made up to force me to get an insulin pump trespassing charge to Littering.