Complete disappointment. He did well in court once! He was rude, short with me. Intimidated by my ex’s attorney. Threatened to drop me as a client if I didn’t allow him to Lien my house for $25,000 While at-the time my ex was selling off assets, one a freight liner truck for $26,000. My ex forged my name on a boat and sold it for $22,000, between Leuders and the court they allowed my ex to get away with his legal misconduct. Complete nightmare. Nothing was split 50/50. My ex falsified letters from a crony stating he wanted to purchase our business, 18 years earlier, when in actuality my ex had a meeting to purchase His business, the guy moved back East. Why would he want to purchase our business and move? Also our business was our main source of income. We had an infant at the this time absolutely absurd. I worked 20 years growing our business and Got NOTHING for it. Mr. Lueders would call me his problem client. Most likely because he couldn’t deal with the ex’s attorney. I asked Mr. Lueders to read about dealing with Sociopathic, Narcissists and he Rudely stated he didn’t have to read that. My ex wrote “I am going to take you down financially during this divorce process”. He succeeded. Together with my ex for 20 years and I received a measly three years of alimony. My ex stated his house was worth one million dollars. It is now on the market for 2.5 million. My ex was to pay child support until June 2018. But because my daughter had had PTSD and social phobias since she witnessed her Dad having sex with woman in our house at the age of 11 WHILE WE were Married, she hasn’t been the same. Yes CPS was involved. The Narcissist weaselled his way out of that. So my Daughter was struggling at school her attendance was down which was part of the agreement. She had attempted suicide. He ran to the school to be sure I would not receive child support. This what I had to deal with to separate myself from a liar a cheater and an emotional and sometimes physically abusive man. And the attorney nor the court recognised this.
Mr. Lueders would call me his problem client. Most likely because he couldn’t deal with the ex’s attorney. I asked Mr. Lueders to read about dealing with Sociopathic, Narcissists and he Rudely stated he didn’t have to read that. My ex wrote “I am going to take you down financially during this divorce process”. He succeeded. Together with my ex for 20 years and I received a measly three years of alimony. My ex stated his house was worth one million dollars. It is now on the market for 2.5 million. My ex was to pay child support until June 2018. But because my daughter had had PTSD and social phobias since she witnessed her Dad having sex with woman in our house at the age of 11 WHILE WE were Married, she hasn’t been the same. Yes CPS was involved. The Narcissist weaselled his way out of that. So my Daughter was struggling at school her attendance was down which was part of the agreement. She had attempted suicide. He ran to the school to be sure I would not receive child support. This what I had to deal with to separate myself from a liar a cheater and an emotional and sometimes physically abusive man. And the attorney nor the court recognised this.
were discounted for employees.