Fake, dishonest, deceitful, unethical, Willing to practice on lies and false opions. Such as lies and deceitfulness of "Dr. Micheal Best" of Louisville. I am sure if you Google his name you will read about what I am saying. This law firm is willing to practice behind lies. Which in turn is unethical. They will also tell you that you have reached your "MMI" Maximum Medical Improvement when there is still on going testing being requsted and a diagnosis has not even been fully given. My question is "How is a person at full "MMI" Maximum Medical Improvement when testing I still being requested by doctors and a diagnosis has not been given. Also the doctor signed off as the primary care treating doctor still has the individual off work meaning they can not work. So how can a person be at Maximum Medical Improvement but unable to return to work as well. This firm is willing to undermine the public ( As to talk to you or treat you as uneducated) as to me that's another opinion of being unethical. This is my opinion with the facts given..
Also will hang up when trying to ask them questions.
This firm is willing to undermine the public ( As to talk to you or treat you as uneducated) as to me that's another opinion of being unethical.
This is my opinion with the facts given..
Also will hang up when trying to ask them questions.