Why Practice Employment Law in California if the first thing you say is about the "At-Will" policy here?? I did my research on the Unlawful Dismissal & Unlawful Termination before I even called this guy!! This Uncle Tom asked me 3 questions over the phone: When I was terminated, How long I worked there, n Who I worked for!! I guess He was scared away when I said "Big Corporation" ... but since I had tried to explain to him that I had taken the time to write out a background as well as what happened with my termination, I decided to show up n ask that he review what I had written, and if he thought there was no case, i'd be satisfied and walk away!! He refused to see me, to speak with me, and refused to let me leave my papers!! I presume it was done in fear of that "Big Corporation" even though similar suits had been settled for Millions!! But He would never know since He refused to hear what my case was actually about!! SMH ... all this because He refused to give me 5 minutes of his time!!