I just called in 2 minutes ago so whomever is working the phones 2 minutes ago, this review is specifically for you. The time is 1:21pm on Tuesday July 31, 2018. I called to see about getting court papers prepared/filed to stop an order for dual healthcare coverage for my family case. I briefly explained my situation and then was told by the female that took my call that I'd need to leave a message. I then began to give my first name and then as I began to give my last name, she asked for my phone number. I skipped my last name and said my phone number which she repeated but i couldnt tell if it was accurate and before i could ask her to repeat again to be sure, she had asked another question but i preceded to repeat my number because i didnt want that to be missed. As I repeared my number she abruptly said ok thanks bye and immediately hung up the phone, extremely rude. I normally dont pay no mind to small minded people but this situation struck a cord and will now make it my lifes mission to make sure the principal of this organization knows full well who they entrusted to handle their incoming business prospects and how horribly she treats them. I will be searching for all media services this business is referenced and cutting/paisting this text in a new review until the priciple confirms they've read my review and have personally identified this person and that they are fully aware of the horrible service this person provides for their business.