Robert Jackson is NOT a specialist in Traumatic Brain Injuries. What lawyer in their right mind would permit 8 hour long interrogations for 5 days who is suppose to be representing a TBI client. And, no matter the agreement, he will keep ALL the money settled for. I had not seen him or heard from him for 5 month''s before we were to appear for the trial, I was told 5 hours before on the actual day of court to show up at the court, and not even by him. He did not prepare me for anything. Do all lawyers act this way? Any lawyer care to comment about their dealings with Robert Jackson? I suspect that Robert Jackson will now attack this TBI injured person for calling his attention to the fact that he is jying when he claims to have the best interest of his clients in mind. Yeah, Robert Jackson will probably attack me because I am an easy target for a money grabbing, the need to feel all powerful, narcissistic personality traits that he exemplifies.